Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Amil (Sour veg soup)

Ingredients :-
Pumpkin – 50 gm,

Khada – 50 gm,

Eggplant – 50 gm,

Cucumber – 50 gm,

Red chole – 50 gm (soaked in water overnight),

Salt – to taste,

Haldi – ½ tsp,

Mustard-green chilli paste – 2 tbsp,

Besan / rice powder- 1 tbsp,

Tamarind – 50 gm,

Oil – 1 tbsp,

Kari patta – 1 sprig,

Panchphuran – 1 tbsp,

Red / green chilli – 1,

Water – 1 lt.

Method :
Chop pumpkin,khada,eggplant and cucumber into medium sizes.Pressure cook this in water along with red chole till one whistle.Then add salt and turmeric and let it boil for a minute. In a bowl take mustard-chilli paste and besan / rice powder and mix well. Add this to the soup. Boil for 5 minutes. Add tamarind and cook for 5 minutes. In a tadka pan heat oil.When hot add panchphuran, red / green chilli, kari patta. When they start sizzling add it to the soup.

PS :- Amil used to be a must in the weddings in summer.The menu was incomplete without this dish. In summer vegetables are scare .So seasonal vegetables are used in this recipe. I came across an interesting fact about Amil which I thought I should share here with all of you. Amil was used to clean hands. Surprised ? Well I was too till I was explained about it. People used their hands to serve rice during weddings. Rice is sticky making it difficult to get rid of with plain water.Pouring Amil on the hands would make it easier to wash. Amazing ,isn’t it ? Well go ahead and check it out and do let me know about your experience.


jet Constructions said...

This is my favorite dish.In my chilhood, My only interest to attend a marriage was to eat(Hafrivar) Amil with rice.I will try today to prepare this dish.
Thanks a lot

abhishek said...


Madhusmita Panda said...

@JetConstructions : Thanks for the encouragement dada and bou :)

Madhusmita Panda said...

@ Abhishek : Thanks